Adventures in Art ● Bromwell Pottery ● Steele Clay Creations ● Steck Clay Critters ● Westerly Creek Pottery
● Pottery at Stanley British Primary ● Park Hill Pottery ● Homeschool FamiliesAdventures_in_Art.htmlbromwell.htmlSteele.htmlSteck_critters.htmlWesterly_Creek_Pottery.htmlStanleyBritish.htmlParkhill_kids.htmlshapeimage_1_link_0shapeimage_1_link_1shapeimage_1_link_2shapeimage_1_link_3shapeimage_1_link_4shapeimage_1_link_5shapeimage_1_link_6shapeimage_1_link_7
 Pottery for homeschool families

We will explore many aspects of pottery-making: hand-building, coil-building, slab-building, decorating and glazing. We’ll make clay projects in the first two classes, glaze in the third class and paint pre-made pottery in our fourth class. Students will take their glazed and painted pottery home at the end of the last class. In our last class we'll use paint in a rainbow of colors to finish pre-made pottery that can go home on the day we paint it. 

Monthly workshops: Each workshop has four one hour classes. Workshops with new projects are offered monthly. See projects samples below to decide which projects would work for you if you decide to do more monthly workshops.

Class info: Class is one hour. Ages 5-15. Project complexity can be adjusted for different ages. 2 student minimum

Day & time: You pick the day and time that works best for your family.

Cost: $100 per student if you come to my studio. $120 per student if I come to your house. Everything included.

Payment: Full payment for the monthly workshop is due on the first day of class

Please check out TheHomeSchoolMom for more homeschool resources!

1. Turtles We’ll turn pinch pots into turtles that we decorate with cookie cutter shapes.
2. Animal pots We’ll make pots into animals like a dog with a bow or a blue-nosed dolphin. What kind of animal do you want to make?

At my studio we will observe safe practices

3. Glaze Our Pottery Finish the pottery that we’ve made with bright, shiny glazes. Adventures in Art will fire the pottery so the next week students can take their pottery home.
4. Painted Pottery In our last class we’ll finish pre-made pottery with paints in a rainbow of colors, sparkles and glitter. Our pottery can go home on the day that we paint it with the work that we glazed the previous week.

For more information email or call 303.329-6587


Projects change for each monthly workshop. Choose possible projects from samples below.

What would you like to make????